rilling / OSMDashboard-Winter-2024-COMP-354

OpenStreetMaps Dashboard for OpenTracks
Apache License 2.0
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retrieve skier paths and tracks information from the database #11

Closed Abdoul111 closed 4 months ago

Abdoul111 commented 6 months ago


aiming to draw the paths on the OSM Dashboard map for the user, I need to retrieve relevant information from the database. This includes the following:

  1. Identifying prewritten code and functions that are relevant to this task,
  2. connecting to the database securely connecting to the database
  3. querying the necessary data into OSM Dashboard for further steps

Expected Outcome:

Have relevant information for Path plotting on OSM Dashboard.

Alternatives Considered:

We considered drawing the paths on OpenTracks directly, but that would be very inefficient as all map functionalities are inside OSM Dashboard.


Data would be available to use on OSM Dashboard by other developers for drawing the paths on the map.