rilling / OSMDashboard-Winter-2024-COMP-354

OpenStreetMaps Dashboard for OpenTracks
Apache License 2.0
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Prevent Z fighting for friend icons when friends are located at the same location #20

Open FireMyBoss opened 6 months ago

FireMyBoss commented 6 months ago

Description: When viewing two friends who's icons overlay upon, the application may not know whos' icon must be loaded first. This may lead to z-fighting, a situation where two icons will overlay one on top of another continuously, resulting in flickering motion. This issue sets out how to prevent this issue from arising.

Expected Outcome:

This feature should create an icon that allows the user to click on it and view their multiple friends in a list. For example, it could state that both friend A and friend B are located at the same geographic position.

Alternative Solutions:

We could have the icon for friend A display for a specific period of time, and then have friend B display for an equal period of time. That way, the user could be made aware that several of their friends are present at the same location.


Place a specific amount of friends in one location, and observer whether the implemented solution works (if a list is generated). If that occurs, the feature has successfully been implemented; otherwise, attempt to fix the issue again.

TMOBA commented 5 months ago

(The user location setup has not been done by the other group) I have created dummy users with their locations, which shows up as icons on the map. To solve the overlapping issue I created two dummy users with the same exact location who will have only one unique icon. I have also added a dialogue box that, if clicked, will show which users are there.