rilling / OSMDashboard-Winter-2024-COMP-354

OpenStreetMaps Dashboard for OpenTracks
Apache License 2.0
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Opt-out from notifications / letting friends be notified that you are present #22

Open FireMyBoss opened 6 months ago

FireMyBoss commented 6 months ago

Description: A user may not want to be notified that one of their friends is within their proximity. Similarly, a user may not want to notify others that they are present at a certain location.

Expected Outcome:

This feature should ensure that the user has the option to toggle notification settings. They should be able to ensure that they don't receive notifications when a friend is present; Similarly, they should have the option to disable sending out notifications entirely, or should be able to only toggle certain friends to receive a notification.

Alternative Solutions:

There is no other solution to this, this is a feature that either works or doesn't work.


Place a specific amount of friends in one location, and verify that all conditions are met based on what the user selects (doesn't receive notifications / doesn't send any notifications / selectively sends notifications)

Mo11ab commented 5 months ago

I worked on the opt-out from notification part. I added toggle button for friend notification to opt in and opt out in the setting page of the OSM app. When the button is turned off, the toast notification will not show up.