rilling / OSMDashboard-Winter-2024-COMP-354

OpenStreetMaps Dashboard for OpenTracks
Apache License 2.0
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Compute the average speed and slope for each segments during a run #40

Closed danbin closed 4 months ago

danbin commented 5 months ago

***This was not in our initial issues list (in sprint 1). As the project progress, our team founded it useful to add these features for our part (sprint3).

Feature Request: Allow users to interact directly with the map interface by clicking on a specific segment on the run to view its estimated average speed and the slope. This provides a more intuitive and user-friendly experience.

Expected Outcome: Upon selecting a segment on the map, users will be presented with real-time estimates of the average speed and slope for that specific segment.

Alternative Solution: None

Verification: Verify whether the real-time average speed and slope for the segment by tracking the user's is accurate in comparison to the estimated waiting of the application.

danbin commented 5 months ago

Current Progress: We've managed to showcase average speed and slope of segments.

To-Do List: Retrieve information from OpenTrack services and present it accurately within the table interface.