rilling / OSMDashboard-Winter-2024-COMP-354

OpenStreetMaps Dashboard for OpenTracks
Apache License 2.0
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Display all friends who are currently in the same resort #6

Open kvirdee opened 6 months ago

kvirdee commented 6 months ago

Description: The user will be able to view all their currently active friends at their current resort.

Expected outcomes: The expected result of this feature is that the app will display all the users' currently active friends who are at the same resort as them.

Alternative solutions: We considered a few alternative solutions when displaying a user's friends list such as displaying the friends list based on run times, activity, date, favorite tracks etc. After conducting the interview questions, we confirmed that the client would like the friends list to be displayed based on current active users of the current resort the user is checked in at.

Verification: We will test the feature by creating a user with multiple friends. Then we will check in a few friends to the same resort. The feature will succeed if these friends will by displayed in the currently active users screen for that specific resort.