rilling / OpenTracks-Winter-2024-COMP-354

OpenTracks is a sport tracking application that completely respects your privacy.
Apache License 2.0
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Calculate Slope Percentage for TrackPoints #158

Closed rdapal closed 2 months ago

rdapal commented 2 months ago

Description: Currently, the TrackPoint class provides various attributes related to location, altitude, speed, etc. However, it lacks a method to calculate the slope percentage between consecutive trackpoints. Adding a method to compute the slope percentage would allow us to get Slope Percentage information from a given segment (TrackPoint).

Proposed Solution: Introduce a method getSlopePercentage() to the TrackPoint class that calculates the slope percentage between the current TrackPoint and the previous one. The slope percentage can be positive (for elevation gain) or negative (for elevation loss), indicating user activity (skiing / riding).

rdapal commented 2 months ago

Issue closed as functionalities added with commit a5c4df279d66581c747ac2e6627021cf9d98a38a