rilling / OpenTracks-Winter-SOEN-6431_2024

OpenTracks is a sport tracking application that completely respects your privacy. SOEN 6431
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Aggregate Ski Statistics : Season Favorites #104

Closed Vaibhav2399 closed 5 months ago

Vaibhav2399 commented 6 months ago

Describe briefly your feature. 1) Seasons favorite lifts (the top 5 most commonly used) Season's Favorite Lifts: Showcase the top 5 ski lifts that are utilized the most frequently throughout the season. This indicator can be used to manage lift waits and schedule repairs as well as to determine which elevators are the most popular.

2) Most common trail (#count) Display the trail that has been used the most. Understanding which trails are favored by skiers and snowboarders is essential for maintaining, improving, and planning future trails.

3) Average speed Determine the average speed of snowboarders and skiers as they navigate the slopes. This figure sheds light on the average rate of slope utilization, which is helpful for capacity planning and safety assessments.

4) Number of resorts List all of the ski resorts that are part of the analytics. Users may see how big the dashboard is and how much data is being examined by looking at this figure.

Describe the solution you'd like We will compile information gathered from multiple sources across participating ski resorts in order to offer this service. Lift usage, trail usage, skier speeds, and resort counts are all included in the report. This is how we're going to tackle the fix:

Data Aggregation: Gather and compile information from every resort, paying particular attention to lift utilization, number of trails, skier speeds, and resort count. Processing huge datasets in order to obtain relevant statistics is what this stage entails.

Calculations for Metrics: We'll count the amount of times each lift is used and rank them to get the top 5 for the Season's Favorite Lifts. The trail with the most uses will be identified as the Most Common Trail after usage data has been analyzed. By adding up all of the skiers' and snowboarders' speeds from each resort, the average speed will be determined. The entire number of resorts from which data is gathered will be totaled and reported as the Number of Resorts.

UI Display: Make sure the data is displayed in an understandable and user-friendly way by integrating these metrics into the dashboard's user interface. In order to effectively display the data, we'll employ visual elements like charts, graphs, and lists.

Additional context
