rilling / OpenTracks-Winter-SOEN-6431_2024

OpenTracks is a sport tracking application that completely respects your privacy. SOEN 6431
Apache License 2.0
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Designing UI about aggregated statistics #136

Open DarCyStorm opened 5 months ago

DarCyStorm commented 5 months ago

Brief Description of my task. To resolve potential merging conflicts between our group and group 12, I volunteered to oversee the UI integration. I propose arranging meetings with a member from group 12 to manage this aspect collaboratively, ensuring smooth integration without conflicts.

My solution As the UI lead, I plan to initiate meetings with a member from group 12 to collaboratively design the UI. Our process will involve:

1-Brainstorming and sketching out initial UI concepts. 2-Developing high-fidelity wireframes based on our discussions. 3-Integrating the finalized UI design into our project, ensuring compatibility and cohesion with the overall system.