rillstone / ella

Research project for fourth year studies at the University of Auckland
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global storage beginning with user #22

Closed swimuel closed 5 years ago

swimuel commented 5 years ago

Related Issue/Keyword:

Relates to #12


Adds react-recontext, a package which allows global storage of state. Establishes a global store with actions defined to "dispatch" to that state (similar to setState). call the actions using dispatch("ACTION_NAME", { var: your_var }) in accordance with the action where actionName -> ACTION_NAME. for each class you want to access the global store, change the export to include connect(mapStateToProps)() and then include a mapping const mapStateToProps = state=> ({ var: state.var, });


will need to npm install to get the react-recontext package

Steps for manual testing:

  1. Check works as expected.
