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squirrel 在vs code中, jupter notebook 中英切换有BUG #1584

Closed Jianfengliu0413 closed 3 months ago

Jianfengliu0413 commented 3 months ago
          ascii_mode: true

正確設定以後, 剛開始開啟VS中是正常的, 被正確地設定了預設的英文輸出. 如用.py文檔時, 一切正常. 但是用VS運行jupyter時,一旦單一cell執行以後, 建議下一個code section時, 被改成了中文輸出... 這個問題已經困擾我很久了, 是否能夠有高手相助.

Jianfengliu0413 commented 3 months ago

finally i solved it myself. it is quite simple, there is a conflict between the keyboard shortcuts. set a shortcut without 'contr' or 'shift'. after that, world peace !!!!!!