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2,3候選字,開關Emoji快捷鍵無效,請教問題出在哪裏? #941

Open aaron2wh opened 2 years ago

aaron2wh commented 2 years ago

錯誤日誌如下: Log file created at: 2021/09/25 17:58:32 Running on machine: DESKTOP-1KE6S8I Log line format: [IWEF]mmdd hh:mm:ss.uuuuuu threadid file:line] msg W0925 17:58:32.613015 8824 config_data.cc:62] nonexistent config file 'C:\Users\aaron\AppData\Roaming\Rime\punctuation.custom.yaml'. W0925 17:58:32.620012 8824 config_data.cc:62] nonexistent config file 'C:\Users\aaron\AppData\Roaming\Rime\key_bindings.custom.yaml'. W0925 17:58:32.683974 8824 config_data.cc:62] nonexistent config file 'C:\Users\aaron\AppData\Roaming\Rime\symbols.custom.yaml'. W0925 17:58:33.305593 8824 config_data.cc:62] nonexistent config file 'C:\Users\aaron\AppData\Roaming\Rime\punctuation.custom.yaml'. W0925 17:58:33.309588 8824 config_data.cc:62] nonexistent config file 'C:\Users\aaron\AppData\Roaming\Rime\key_bindings.custom.yaml'. W0925 17:58:33.376549 8824 config_data.cc:62] nonexistent config file 'C:\Users\aaron\AppData\Roaming\Rime\symbols.custom.yaml'.

我的default.custom,yaml文件如下: customization: distribution_code_name: Weasel distribution_version: 0.14.3 generator: "Rime::SwitcherSettings" modified_time: "Sat Sep 25 10:54:13 2021" rime_version: 1.5.3 patch: schema_list:

key_binder/bindings: # 翻页(若要开启,去掉前面的#号)


#- {accept: "Control+a", send: Home, when: composing}                   # 光标移至首
#- {accept: "Control+e", send: End, when: composing}                    # 光标移至尾
- {accept: "Control+Shift+1", select: .next, when: always}             # 切换输入方案
#- {accept: "Control+Shift+2", toggle: ascii_mode, when: always}        # 中英文切换
- {accept: "Control+Shift+3", toggle: full_shape, when: always}        # 全角/半角切换
- {accept: "Control+Shift+4", toggle: simplification, when: always}    # 繁简体切换
- {accept: "Control+Shift+5", toggle: extended_charset, when: always}  # 通用/增广切换(显示生僻字)
- {accept: "Control+Shift+6", toggle: show_emoji, when: always}        # 是否顯示emoji切换
aaron2wh commented 2 years ago

註:我是直接複製的,上面的格式可能不對,本地文件附 default.custom.yaml.txt

Python-37 commented 2 years ago

我不太确定是否能像你这样直接用快捷键,我的做法是在方案选单里添加emoji开关,类似这样的写法 https://github.com/rime/squirrel/issues/213#issuecomment-389198164