rime / rime-cantonese

Rime Cantonese input schema | 粵語拼音輸入方案
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Bracket Expansion #164

Closed graphemecluster closed 1 year ago

graphemecluster commented 1 year ago

Requested feature by Henry

hfhchan commented 1 year ago

I don't know python, but if you tested it and it works then go ahead Btw which syntax did we settle on in the end?

graphemecluster commented 1 year ago


[乒砰𠹶][鈴呤][嘭𠾴]唥,ping1 ling1 paang1 laang1|bing4 ling1 baang4 laang4

This will generate all 3 × 2 × 2 × 2 = 24 cases

This also works:

花園,faa1 jyun[24]

Note that don't do

借花[敬獻]佛,ze3 faa1 (ging3|hin3) fat6

as 4 entries will be generated.

graphemecluster commented 1 year ago

And note the difference between 圓(碌碌|轆轆),jyun4 luk1 luk1 and 圓[碌轆][碌轆],jyun4 luk1 luk1 as the former will cause 2 entries being generated while the latter being 4.

graphemecluster commented 1 year ago

As for punctuation expansion,

一分耕耘,一分收穫,jat1 fan1 gaang1 wan4 jat1 fan1 sau1 wok6

will generate 3 entries and

行得正,[企徛]得正,唔怕雷公喺天頂,haang4 dak1 zeng3 kei5 dak1 zeng3 m4 paa3 leoi4 gung1 hai2 tin1 deng2

will generate 5 entries:


(but not 行得正,企得正 and 行得正,徛得正 as some AAA parallelisms present)