rime / rime-cantonese

Rime Cantonese input schema | 粵語拼音輸入方案
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Unable to set up ibus-rime with cantonese input properly #83

Closed p2635 closed 4 years ago

p2635 commented 4 years ago


As I am a 傻瓜beginner, I tried to use the ibus-install.sh script but I can't see Cantonese input method in my ibus-rime. Before I started, I already had ibus-rime installed and also librime-data-jyutping. I don't know what is wrong so my search led me to this repo and I tried to use the script as mentioned above.

Script Output:

pc:~/Downloads$ ./ibus-install.sh
Installing IME files ...
bash: line 17: git: command not found
bash: line 22: plum/rime-install: No such file or directory

What I see on my rime Where is my cantonese input? rime

tanxpyox commented 4 years ago

Hi, may I know your platform/OS? I think it is because you haven't installed git (which should be pre-installed in Ubuntu and Pop OS distros iirc)

On Ubuntu/Pop_OS, it's simply:

sudo apt-get install git
p2635 commented 4 years ago

@tanxpyox , 多謝曬!問題解決咗。 I'm on Kubuntu 20.04 but installing git fixed it.

I think it may be worth updating the script to install curl or git if the system doesn't have it.

tanxpyox commented 4 years ago

np :), but the script should be installing curl, git and ibus-rime at line 10...

Did it return any error?

p2635 commented 4 years ago

my dumb mistake, I actually removed that before I ran the script because I only saw 'ibus-rime' I thought I already got it installed so I don't need that line. But I missed curl and git.

laubonghaudoi commented 4 years ago

@tanxpyox 睇嚟要喺安裝教程嗰度加一步嗌啲人裝 git,我原先以為用得 linux 嘅人都會識得 git,睇嚟唔係。

tanxpyox commented 4 years ago

@tanxpyox 睇嚟要喺安裝教程嗰度加一步嗌啲人裝 git,我原先以為用得 linux 嘅人都會識得 git,睇嚟唔係。


laubonghaudoi commented 4 years ago


p2635 commented 4 years ago

應該唔使啩, 係我自己搞錯咗 like @tanxpyox said

I'll leave it up to you guys, I am thankful I found this input method though. Keep up the good work.