rime / weasel

【小狼毫】Rime for Windows
GNU General Public License v3.0
4.17k stars 528 forks source link 版,style/hover_type: "semi_hilite" 好像有問題 #1314

Closed JoKlever closed 3 weeks ago

JoKlever commented 3 weeks ago

升級到 版 (on Win11 pro 64-bit) 當 style/inline_preedit: true 時,hover_type: "semi_hilite" 在第一個候選詞的 “semi_hilite" 好像有問題。

Correct - 2024-06-17 Rime PR - correct

Incorrect - 2024-06-17 Rime PR - incorrect

fxliang commented 3 weeks ago



spew8712 commented 3 weeks ago

@JoKlever 方便分享一下輸入方案嗎?(第一次看到除了本調還標示變調的,覺得新奇)

JoKlever commented 3 weeks ago


主要是在 translator/comment_format 做調整:

translator: always_show_comments: true comment_format:

# Convert tonal numerals to superscripts
# No changed tone for the last(or single)word
- xform/1$/¹/
- xform/2$/²/
- xform/3$/³/
- xform/4$/⁴/
- xform/5$/⁵/
- xform/6$/⁶/
- xform/7$/⁷/
- xform/8$/⁸/

# 按台語(閩南語)變調規則 
# Also display the tone change, except the 9th tone (I think, it stays the same.)
- xform/1/¹⁷/
- xform/2/²¹/
- xform/3/³²/
- xform/([Hh])4/$1⁴²/
- xform/([^Hh])4/$1⁴⁸/
- xform/5/⁵⁷/
- xform/6/⁶¹/
- xform/7/⁷³/
- xform/([Hh])8/$1⁸³/
- xform/([^Hh])8/$1⁸⁴/
- xform/9/⁹/


JoKlever commented 3 weeks ago


Fixed. Thanks a lot! 多謝!