rimpy-custom / communityRules

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Rules from User #500

Closed rimpy-anon closed 1 year ago

rimpy-anon commented 2 years ago
    "niilo007.niilosqol": {
        "name": ["Niilo's QoL"],
        "code": ["2633406344"],
        "loadAfter": {
            "blues.shortcircuit": {
                "name": ["Short Circuit Blues"],
                "comment": ["Needs to be loaded before Niilo's QOL else an error pops up when used with RT fuse"],
                "sent": 27694515
        "loadBefore": {}
    "onyxae.dragonsdescent": {
        "name": ["Dragons Descent"],
        "code": ["2026992161"],
        "loadAfter": {
            "roolo.giddyupcore": {
                "name": ["Giddy-up! Core"],
                "comment": ["Load after"],
                "sent": 27694515
        "loadBefore": {}
    "oskarpotocki.vfe.pirates": {
        "name": ["Vanilla Factions Expanded - Pirates"],
        "code": ["2723801948"],
        "loadAfter": {
            "vanillaexpanded.vwel": {
                "name": ["Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Laser"],
                "comment": ["Needs to be after Laser"],
                "sent": 27694515
        "loadBefore": {}
    "syrchalis.traitvalue": {
        "name": ["[SYR] Trait Value"],
        "code": ["2451324814"],
        "loadAfter": {},
        "loadBefore": {
            "atlas.androidtiers": {
                "name": ["Android tiers"],
                "comment": ["load before"],
                "sent": 27694515
            "vanillaexpanded.vcef": {
                "name": ["Vanilla Fishing Expanded"],
                "comment": ["load before"],
                "sent": 27694515
            "ceteam.combatextended": {
                "name": ["Combat Extended"],
                "comment": ["load before"],
                "sent": 27694515
    "vanillaexpanded.vwe": {
        "name": ["Vanilla Weapons Expanded"],
        "code": ["1814383360"],
        "loadAfter": {},
        "loadBefore": {
            "vanillaexpanded.vwel": {
                "name": ["Vanilla Weapons Expanded - Laser"],
                "comment": ["Needs to be loaded after VWE but before VFE - Pirates"],
                "sent": 27694515
            "oskarpotocki.vfe.pirates": {
                "name": ["Vanilla Factions Expanded - Pirates"],
                "comment": ["Needs to be after VWE - Laser"],
                "sent": 27694515
feeddanoob commented 2 years ago

Commenting because this rule set is mine I think... Performance Fish got updated (bs.performance) with new load order rules in about. CE has load order rules for VFE-Mechanoids and VFE-Classical. Complex jobs not necessarily a requirement rule but mod page says to load almost last. Same thing for more faction interaction, Performance Optimizer, Hospitality, and Resource Dictionary. Errors at game launch are present if Short Circuit Blues is loaded after Niilo's QOL (conflicting assignments in the XML). Dragon Descents Page states the load order should be after Giddy Up. When using with my CE modlist, I have experienced errors on game startup if VWE-Lasers is loaded after VFE-Pirates. Loading it before fixed it for me. I think none CE lists are fine. SYR trait value states it should be before any mods that add traits

Miguel-V-DF commented 1 year ago

The CE-VE classical-VE mech rules should be removed, there is already a 3 way loop there due to their own about files and they should solve it without rimpy causing another loop.

Complex jobs really doesn't need a load bottom, it's own name puts it near the end naturally and other specific rules should cover specific cases.

mod pages saying that it's mod needs to load last is not enough justification for load bottom. Maybe PO would merit, and maybe Resource Dictionary (a very tiny maybe), but I have used both without issues in the middle of my modlist, and hospitality really doesn't need it.

about Short Circuit Blues is loaded after Niilo's QOL , can't either modder be bothered to make a defensive patch? this would solve the issue without making a rule that will last for way longer than anyone will remember the reason.

rimpy-custom commented 1 year ago

Had to remove some rules and going to merge in current state. Really do not want to add rules for VWE, since that is all from VE team and I suppose they know better how to load their mods (but for now, we will include it, I hope it was tested good enough and there is purpose for that to exist.). Thank you to both feeddanoob and leugimimi