rimuy / weebcord

⛩ Automatic waifu collector for discord waifubots
MIT License
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A suggestion #17

Open Imaginev2 opened 3 years ago

Imaginev2 commented 3 years ago

Idk if it's possible but, i'd like the enhancement of react to custom emotes from the server, let me explain, some servers have the "custom emoji react claim" so it'll be good to add it, idk if it's possible, ty anyways @Kevinwkz, the reactions are not like "blue_heart" or something like that, are like hmmm, "rem_dance" or "zero_yay"

rimuy commented 3 years ago

Oof, in that case I will make it detect automatically the emoji from mudae's reaction then. Can't even remember why I made it a list, guess I was just looking for something specific.