rinatkhaziev / wp-frontend-uploader

WordPress plugin that allows your visitors to upload media from the front-end
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The 'Author Field' setting is not working in my case #87

Open Libero96 opened 5 years ago

Libero96 commented 5 years ago

I cannot get the 'Author Field' to work.

I created the following custom form: [fu-upload-form suppress_default_fields="true" form_layout="post_media" title="Verstuur je foto" category="12" append_to_post="true"] [input type="text" name="post_title" id="title" class="required" description="Titel van je foto"] [textarea name="post_content" class="my-text" description="Tekst voor bij je foto" wysiwyg_enabled="true"] [input type="file" name="photos" class="required" description="Voeg foto's toe (max. 8MB per foto" multiple="true"] [input type="submit" class="btn" value="Verstuur"] [/fu-upload-form]

It works very nicely, especially the function which adds the uploaded pictures automatically to the text.

However I would like to have an author field so visitors can enter their name or a nickname without creating an account. So I checked the author field box in the settings as described in de FAQ, but that didn't add an author field.

So I thought, well maybe I can add it with [input type="text" name="show_author" id="auhor" class="required" description="Naam die bij je foto komt te staan"]. Instead of show_author I tried several other combinations: author nickname nicename, but no, these didn't work either.

I removed [input type="text" name="show_author" id="auhor" class="required" description="Naam die bij je foto komt te staan"] and tried adding show_author="true" in the main shortcode, but that also didn't do a lot.

I'm using Wordpress version 5.1.1 and Frontend Uploader 1.3.2 by the way.

Is there a solution for this? Or am I doing something wrong?

Thanks in advance!

ticollins91 commented 5 years ago

I'm also having the exact same issue, the author field does not do anything, If i enable the author field in the settings and don't disable suppress default fields no author field shows up. If i manually put the author input into the [fu-upload-form] tag I can get an author input but it doesn't do anything when i press submit (if i look at the uploaded image in wordpress under the author field it says '(no author)'

Libero96 commented 5 years ago

Hello tmortonorr,

You mentioned that you were able to manually put the author field in the [fu-upload-form]. Could you please copy and paste the code you used for that? I think the code I used for it is not right as I don't see an field appearing where I can type my username.

Thanks in advance!

ticollins91 commented 5 years ago

I can't remember what I did now since I gave up with the author field entirely as it didn't work and wasn't needed. Sorry I can't be any further help.

Libero96 commented 5 years ago

@tmortonorr Got it, no problem!