ring-clojure / ring-codec

Utility library for encoding and decoding data
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Performance: short circuit form-decode-str #37

Closed bsless closed 1 year ago

bsless commented 1 year ago

Hello, I think there's an opportunity for optimization in ring.util.codec/form-decode-str: In cases where a string does not contain the chars +% it is faster to check if the string contains them than to call form-decode-str for every string size. The tricky part is that URLDecoder.decode can also change the string's encoding, but if there was a way to guarantee the string is already encoded correctly. A middle ground I'm less keen on is to just re-encode the string in the case where it doesn't need to be decoded. It's faster than calling URLDecoder.decode but not as fast as possible.

What do you think?

weavejester commented 1 year ago

If you can come up with an alternative implementation that's faster in most real time cases, and not significantly slower in edge cases, then sure. I'll need benchmarks, though!

bsless commented 1 year ago

Reading carefully the implementation of URLDecoder/decode looks like it only uses the encoding when it encounters hex characters, so the naive solution should be correct in all cases. I'll upload detailed benchmarks tomorrow

bsless commented 1 year ago

Please find below the rationale, implementation and benchmark results


  1. Base implementation we compare against
  2. Charset lookup incurs some overhead. We can cut it by def-ing the default charset and providing coercion
  3. Decode only changes the string if it contains + or %. The theory is that checking they're contained in it is faster than calling into decode in the happy path, and the overhead is negligible in the sad path


1 - avoid charset lookup

(defn- to-charset
  ^Charset [s]
  (if (string? s)
    (Charset/forName s)

(def ^Charset utf-8 (to-charset "UTF-8"))

(defn form-decode-str'
   (form-decode-str' encoded utf-8))
  ([^String encoded encoding]
     (URLDecoder/decode encoded (to-charset encoding))
     (catch Exception _ nil))))

2 - avoid calling into decode unnecessarily

(defn form-decode-str''
   (form-decode-str'' encoded utf-8))
  ([^String encoded encoding]
     (if (or
          (.contains encoded "+")
          (.contains encoded "%"))
       (URLDecoder/decode encoded (to-charset encoding))
     (catch Exception _ nil))))


(def results
   (for [n [1 2 4 8 16 32]
         :let [s (apply str (repeat n "a"))
               s' (str s "+")]]
     {:size n
      :no-decode0 (cc/quick-benchmark (form-decode-str s) nil)
      :no-decode1 (cc/quick-benchmark (form-decode-str' s) nil)
      :no-decode2 (cc/quick-benchmark (form-decode-str'' s) nil)
      :decode0 (cc/quick-benchmark (form-decode-str s') nil)
      :decode1 (cc/quick-benchmark (form-decode-str' s') nil)
      :decode2 (cc/quick-benchmark (form-decode-str'' s') nil)})))


Timing is measured in ns:

size no-decode0 no-decode1 no-decode2 decode0 decode1 decode2
1 10.89 9.39 5.06 18.11 16.48 18.26
2 14.13 12.69 6.41 21.44 19.84 22.76
4 18.90 17.86 6.35 25.66 24.34 26.46
8 28.89 27.38 6.34 38.42 33.96 40.15
16 48.19 46.60 5.94 55.97 54.17 57.04
32 93.64 89.69 8.06 110.20 101.04 98.86



Overhead between decode1 and decode2 should be only scanning the string before decoding it:


Based on these results, the full implementation (2) looks good to me. What do you think?

pngs rendered with plotly and clerk

weavejester commented 1 year ago

Thank you for the detailed analysis. This looks like a good improvement to the existing implementation. Would you be able to open a PR, and link back to this issue?

bsless commented 1 year ago


While we're at it, would you like me to replace all instances where encoding is provided as String to Charset, or would you like that to be a different PR?

weavejester commented 1 year ago

In a separate PR, please.

bsless commented 1 year ago

Since the form-decode-str PR could build on the charset PR, would you like the Charset PR first? I can close #38 and split it