Closed shashank0764 closed 7 years ago
I don't think you are using the official SDK. Because your code seems very strange to me:
var ringCentral = new RingCentral.XDK.ApiClient(appkey, appsecret,defaultendpoint);
Please read the readme file for the sample code:
This project is currently in beta, we have another project which is stable:
You code uses neither of the two above, so we cannot provide any more comments.
Hello Tyler,
Thanks for the information i am now using the new SDK which you mentioned in the second link but it is giving me an error while login, please check the attachment.
Hello Tyler,
Below is the code i use
sdk = new SDK(appKey, appSecret, SDK.Server.Sandbox, "C Sharp Test Suite", "1.0.0");
// mock test only, don't contact remote server
sdk.Platform._client = new HttpClient(new RingCentral.Test.MockHttpClient()) { BaseAddress = new Uri(SDK.SandboxServerUrl) };
sdk.Platform.Login(phoneNumber, "", password, true);
var from = senderPhoneNumber;
var to = recipientPhoneNumber;
var text = "Test SMS message";
var jsonData = "{\"to\": [{\"phoneNumber\": \"" + to + "\"}]," +
"\"from\": {\"phoneNumber\": \"" + from + "\"}," +
"\"text\": \"" + text + "\" }";
Request request = new Request(SmsEndPoint, jsonData);
ApiResponse result = sdk.Platform.Post(request);
JToken token = JObject.Parse(result.Body);
var messageStatus = (string)token.SelectToken("messageStatus");
Thanks, Shashank.
I read your code and you are running sample code from unit tests. These are for mock testing only, not for real world usage.
Please read the doc for sample code:
Hello ,
i used the new code now as mentioned in the above link still it breaks in the same place as the ring central dll is pointing to platform.cs
var sdk = new SDK(appKey, appSecret, SDK.SandboxServerUrl, "Application Name", "Application Version");
// Password Grant Authorization
var response = sdk.Platform.Login(phoneNumber, "", password, true);
var jsonString = "{ \"text\": \"hello sms!\", \"from\": { \"phoneNumber\": \"15188315172\" }, \"to\": [{ \"phoneNumber\": \"19295755445\" }] }";
var request = new Request("/restapi/v1.0/account/~/extension/~/sms", jsonString);
var response1 = sdk.Platform.Post(request);
Hello ,
once i commented the below code in the platform.cs inside the SDK then only it worked.
Hello Tyler,
Please let me know if commenting the above line is ok as this had apparently made the SMS work. Can i close the issue?
Thanks, Shashank.
Hi @shashank0764 ,
First of all, this is not the right place for your question. You are talking about which is not the current repository.
Why do you need to change the source code of the SDK? How did you install it? The recommended way is to install it via NuGet. As shown in the readme file of
Install-Package RingCentralSDK
Last but not least. could you please post the full stack trace of the exception? And from your first screenshot, there was a NullReferenceExcepotion, could you please tell me which object is null?
Hello team,
, i am sending only one but receiving 2 sms messages after an interval of around 5-7 minutes containing the same text. i have verified my code and it executes only time and after that i quit my application. I am using c# SDK. this was sending only one sms some days back but i am not sure why it is sending multiple sms now. please check ////ring central code starts
var ringCentral = new RingCentral.XDK.ApiClient(appkey, appsecret,defaultendpoint);
Please find the dev community link below.