info: 2024-10-29T01:48:40Z | [ do-publish ] ===> maxFeePerGas: 4603112103, maxPriorityFeePerGas: 14349697
Receipt: ELyrcPnoemERJUa6cxVmYfDjR58wjY9pofipiUthHgwA
Log [aggregator.guantong.testnet]: before request signature, prepaidGas: 300000000000000, leftGas: 277191702555983
Failure [aggregator.guantong.testnet]: Error: The account aggregator.guantong.testnet wouldn't have enough balance to cover storage, required to have 188713023684523683222784 yoctoNEAR more
error: 2024-10-29T01:48:45Z | [ do-publish ] ===> publish_external error, try get result from indexer: The account aggregator.guantong.testnet wouldn't have enough balance to cover storage, required to have 188713023684523683222784 yoctoNEAR more
error: 2024-10-29T01:48:50Z | [ do-publish ] ===> publish_external error: can't find result from indexer, aggregator: aggregator.guantong.testnet, request_id: 70021766616531051842153016788507494922593962344450640499185811462