rinvex / laravel-attributes

⚠️ [ABANDONED] Rinvex Attributable is a robust, intelligent, and integrated Entity-Attribute-Value model (EAV) implementation for Laravel Eloquent, with powerful underlying for managing entity attributes implicitly as relations with ease. It utilizes the power of Laravel Eloquent, with smooth and seamless integration.
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why we need to register entities? #168

Closed singleseeker closed 2 years ago

singleseeker commented 2 years ago

According to the following document, we need to register our entities.I have no idea why we are doing this.

// Push your entity fully qualified namespace

// Or push the morph class alias if any

I found that even the model does not exist, also we could insert the record.

For example, I don't have App\Models\Company, but with the following code, I still can get a record of the company.

    'slug' => 'size',
    'type' => 'varchar',
    'name' => 'Product Size',
    'entities' => ['App\Models\Company', 'App\Models\User'],
singleseeker commented 2 years ago

When we get entity attributes, it will check if it is a valid entity.

public function getEntityAttributes(): Collection
        $morphClass = $this->getMorphClass();
        static::$entityAttributes = static::$entityAttributes ?? collect();

        if (! static::$entityAttributes->has($morphClass) && Schema::hasTable(config('rinvex.attributes.tables.attribute_entity'))) {
            $locale = app()->getLocale();

            /* This is a trial to implement per resource attributes,
               it's working but I don't like current implementation.
            $routeParam = request()->route($morphClass);

            // @TODO: This is REALLY REALLY BAD DESIGN!! But can't figure out a better way for now!!
            // Refactor required, we need to catch `$this` itself, we should NOT use request and routes here!!
            // But still at this very early stage, `$this` still not bound to model's data, so it's just empty object!
            $entityId = $routeParam && collect(class_uses_recursive(static::class))->contains(HashidsTrait::class) && ! is_numeric($routeParam)
                ? optional(Hashids::decode($routeParam))[0] : $routeParam;

            $attributes = app('rinvex.attributes.attribute_entity')->where('entity_type', $morphClass)->where('entity_id', $entityId)->get()->pluck('attribute_id');

            $attributes = app('rinvex.attributes.attribute_entity')->where('entity_type', $morphClass)->get()->pluck('attribute_id');
            static::$entityAttributes->put($morphClass, app('rinvex.attributes.attribute')->whereIn('id', $attributes)->orderBy('sort_order', 'ASC')->orderBy("name->\${$locale}", 'ASC')->get()->keyBy('slug'));

        return static::$entityAttributes->get($morphClass) ?? new Collection();
Omranic commented 2 years ago

So what's the question exactly?! 🤔