riolubruh / YABDP4Nitro

Yet Another BetterDiscord Plugin for Nitro features. Unlock screensharing modes, use cross-server and gif emotes and much more!
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[Feature request] Soundboard? #101

Open Voleno1 opened 1 year ago

Voleno1 commented 1 year ago

No idea if this is possible but it would be cool if you could play sounds with soundboard from all servers like nitro users can.

ForBai commented 1 year ago

for the dev programming this: i found out by inspect the soundboard element you can get the sound id which you can then put in following url ""

riolubruh commented 1 year ago

Not sure. It definitely is not possible to upload soundboard sounds to the server, but maybe you could play local sound files..? It really depends on how the soundboard actually works, which I have no idea about since I've never even looked at it.

riolubruh commented 1 year ago

Update: I have looked at the soundboard functions, and holy hell I actually did it. I basically tricked Discord into thinking that every soundboard sound is a default sound.

riolubruh commented 1 year ago



riolubruh commented 1 year ago

Aghh, spoke too soon. Looks like the server side blocks it anyway. image It appears that the way that the sound playing works is by sending the server a POST request that says what the sound's guildId and soundId are and then the sound is played on each connected clients' end rather than sending the soundboard sound as microphone data. Damn. If I (theoretically speaking) had a way to play MP3 files through the microphone, then it would be actually quite easy to get around. However, at the current time I can't really think of a way to do so within the confines of a plugin.

I will continue searching for another way to play sounds in the meantime.

ForBai commented 1 year ago

I do not suggest selfbotting but maybe this can help with your research:

Cocoloco2005Dev commented 1 year ago

Discord API actually blocks soundboard requests. The best way you have to play sounds through the microphone is to buy (or "buy") Soundpad, it's on steam or you have a separate version that doesn't use steam. Please do not selfbot your account, this can really get you banned.