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Add DVW areas #8

Closed damianooldoni closed 11 months ago

damianooldoni commented 11 months ago

Based on useful discussion with @fjasteen, we have a better overview now about the shared areas to add for De Vlaamse Waterweg (DVW).

areas tags
districts DVW, district, one of: aZS, aBS, DS (departements, afdelingen)
sectors DVW, sector, one of: aZS, aBS, DS, one of: core, extended
parcels within a sector DVW, parcel, one of: aZS, aBS, DS (departement, afdelingen), one of: core, extended

Some details:

  1. parcels are grouped per sector. So, we have a one-to-one replationship between parcels and sectors. If a user wants to have its own parcel, he/she will add it as a custom area.
  2. almost all sectors with tag core have their sector counterparts with tag extended. Notice that these sectors share the same name. The use of tags kern/extended will guide the user to choose the right sector while maintaining the sector name short (no need to add "core" or "extended" in the sector name as prefix or suffix )

@fjasteen will send us:

  1. shapefile with districts
  2. shapefile with sectors defined as above. The shapefiles we have now are slightly different as the extended sectors are areas without core. They are complementary to the core sectors. We found such sectors not useful from a user point of view. The extended sectors Frédérique will send us soon will contain their core counterparts.
  3. shapefiles with parcels per sector. See details in point 1 above. At the moment, we have an example of the parcels but they are not aggregated at sector level.
fjasteen commented 11 months ago

All DVW_geodata files are within this Google Drive folder .

  1. Districts: the shapefile containing the districts polygons
  2. Sector_core: the 'Kern'-areas within each sector
  3. Sector_extended: the whole of the area of the sector, the 'kern'- or core- areas included
  4. Sector_parcels: for each sector a multipolygon of all of the contained parcels
damianooldoni commented 11 months ago

Thanks @fjasteen for the shapefiles provided in the link above: very well done 👍 @niconoe: here below a practical table of what to import and which labels to assign:


The districts are contained in the shapefile in folder Districts. It's a one layer file containing 17 multipolygons.

area name tags
values in column DSTRCT DVWdistrict, value in column AFD, i.e. one of: aZSaBSDS


We have two directories containing core sectors and extended sectors

Core sectors

The core sectors are contained in the shapefile in folder Sector_core. It's a one layer file containing 48 multipolygons.

area name tags
values in column SCTR DVWsector, core (also contained in column TYPE), value in column AFD, i.e. one of: aZSaBSDS

Extended sectors

The extended sectors are contained in the shapefile in folder Sector_extended. It's a one layer file containing 48 multipolygons.

area name tags
values in column SCTR DVWsector, extended (also contained in column TYPE), value in column AFD, i.e. one of: aZSaBSDS

Sector parcels

The sector parcels are contained in the shapefile in folder Sector_parcels. It's a one layer file containing 33 multipolygons.

area name tags
values in column SCTR DVWparcel (column TYPE = "parcels", but singular is preferrable), value in column AFD, i.e. one of: aZSaBSDS
niconoe commented 11 months ago

Thanks @damianooldoni.

The areas have been imported to dev, can you have a look?

damianooldoni commented 11 months ago

Hi @niconoe: it looks nice. Thanks!

Only one thing: when selecting tag aBS I get also all areas with tag DS or AZS. These tags are department related and therefore should be mutually exclusive: ONE OF rule.

niconoe commented 11 months ago

Indeed, that's a distraction bug :) Fixing it now!

niconoe commented 11 months ago

It should be better now, can you recheck?

damianooldoni commented 11 months ago

Great job!

fjasteen commented 11 months ago

Looks very nice! Thanks a lot!