riparias / gbif-alert

GBIF Alert is a GBIF occurrence based alert system.
MIT License
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Map tile 0/0/0 #158

Closed niconoe closed 2 years ago

niconoe commented 2 years ago

Found an internal server error in the logs for

Apparently the user agent is QGIS (@sronveaux ?) and it looks like a valid tile reference.

So, this would be a bug that we didn't noticed because our viewer is generally focused on Belgium, where those "0" coordinates are not in use.

sronveaux commented 2 years ago


It's true that I have added these layers in a QGIS project just to make some tests and that I sometimes have them enabled. It's clearly a possibility that this request came form me...

The specifications of MVT seems to tell that 0/0/0 is a valid coordinate. It will never be used while targetting Belgium for sure.

niconoe commented 2 years ago

It was indeed a bug (zoom level 0 not supported, never realised it since our OpenLayers-based viewer start at zoom level 1. This is now fixed, and a couple of errors/imprecisions in the test suites were also solved.