riparias / gbif-alert

GBIF Alert is a GBIF occurrence based alert system.
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Show vernacular names of species #165

Open niconoe opened 2 years ago

niconoe commented 2 years ago

Feedback from Stijn of VMM.

@damianooldoni and I agree it's probably a good one, since it's relatively little effort but might really help some users.

Which languages should we have? I'd say: EN, NL and FR.

damianooldoni commented 2 years ago

Yes, I agree. The field managers are most likely Dutch or French speaking only. However, English is the official language of the project and the main language of the web app, so English vernacular names should also be available, I find.

damianooldoni commented 2 years ago

The very last version of the RIPARIAS target list has vernacular names in all 3 langauges, that's good news. In this way total symmetry is guaranteed.

niconoe commented 2 years ago

Since the webapp is (for now) english only, I think I'll implement now the english field, we'll extend to other languages at the same time we extend the rest.

niconoe commented 2 years ago

@damianooldoni: a first iteration is now implemented: you can add an (English) scientific name in the admin section, it will appear next to the scientific name in the selector:

Screenshot 2022-07-04 at 16 34 39

Don't hesitate to

1) Comment on the feature (presentation of both name could probably be made more user friendly later) 2) Enter vernacular names in the Admin section

niconoe commented 2 years ago

TODO for me: also show vernacular names in the Alert configuration form

damianooldoni commented 2 years ago

English vernacular names added.

niconoe commented 2 years ago

Brilliant! They are indeed now visible on the production website.

niconoe commented 2 years ago

There are in fact many locations where the scientific name only is currently shown and where having the vernacular name would be better:


niconoe commented 1 year ago

All implemented!

damianooldoni commented 10 hours ago

Hi @niconoe 👋
I had a meeting with @fjasteen and she told me that some users would like to have vernacular names also in the pop ups. They are field managers, so they typically filter data by area (and time) and they see the dots. They click on them but only the latin name appears in the popup. See screenshot here below. I think we forgot to show vernacular names here as well. An item to add to your list in the commen above 😄
Do you think it will take a lot of time to fix this? image