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DwC mapping of Flanders Environment Agency (VMM) macrophytes occurrences
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Mapping of fields in EKC sheet #4

Open damianooldoni opened 2 years ago

damianooldoni commented 2 years ago

What do EKC and GEP mean? Answer from mail of Frank:

EKC MAF betekent ecologische kwaliteitscoëffiënt (=indicator) voor macrofyten Voor kunstmatige en sterk veranderde (natuurlijke) waterlopen is het toegestaan om de beoordeling aan te passen. Dan wordt een goed ecologisch potentieel bepaald. Praktisch wordt de indicator bij macrofyten anders bepaald dan bij natuurlijke waterlichamen: Er wordt rekening gehouden met bepaalde ingrepen voor bepaalde nuttige doelen van het waterlichaam.

Mapping follows. VMM review required.

damianooldoni commented 2 years ago

To be reviewed by VMM. Questions included.

Mapping index GEP

DwC term measurementType: 'ecologic quality coefficient with GEP' DwC term measurementValue: values in column index GEP DwC term measurementUnit: NULL

Mapping index ZONDER gep

DwC term measurementType: 'ecologic quality coefficient without GEP' DwC term measurementValue: values in column index ZONDER gep DwC term measurementUnit: NULL

Mapping klasse

DwC term measurementType: 'ecologic quality coefficient class'

DwC term measurementValue:

Original values (NL) proposed values (EN)
ONTOEREIKEND insufficient
MATIG fair
GOED good
GOED EN HOGER very good

DwC term measurementUnit: NULL

Mapping Deelmonster Geen Organisme

Values present in export: 0 (20 rows) or empty (4049 rows). I suppose that also value 1 is allowed. What 0 does it mean? Not included in the draft mapping, but it can be easily included of course.

Mapping status

What does status means? In draft mapping as a separate measurement/fact. Still, not sure about this choice. Options:

The following translated values are used in the draft mapping:

original values (NL) translated values (EN)
DEFAU default
KUNST artificial
NAT natural

Mapping sterk veranderd

This is not a measurement, but an evaluation. I didn't include it in the draft mapping. However, I would like to add it as measurementRemarks. To do so, I need to know which column is used to assess the change: index ZONDER gep? Or index GEP? Or another field?

Mapping Bevestigingscode MF

No idea what this field is. Not included in the draft mapping. Still, it doesn't seem something interesting to be mapped to Darwin Core. Or am I wrong?

flavens-vmm commented 2 years ago

Bevestigingscode MF is for judging the EQR (EKC). Is it representative (R) or not (NR). If NR the EQR is considered unusable and not reported.

flavens-vmm commented 2 years ago

Class GOED EN HOGER does not mean very good, but good. Artificial and heavily modified (natural) waterbodies do not get the class very good (ZEER GOED), being the reason for adding EN HOGER. ZEER GOED is also possible, for (not or barely modified) natural waterbodies, translating as "very good".

Did you notice there is also 'geen beoordeling mogelijk'? This is unique for macrofyten. EKC gep is empty.

flavens-vmm commented 2 years ago


Deelmonster Geen Organisme = 1 have been omitted from the data iirc. Not sure whether that is the right thing to do. Should we or how could we report there is nothing on this place at that time?

flavens-vmm commented 2 years ago
code omschrijving
NAT Natuurlijk
KUNST Kunstmatig
DEFAU Nog geen statuut toegekend
This is the Status of the waterbody. It combines with "sterk veranderd" (or not) for status Natuurlijk. (Sterk veranderd is another property of the waterbody on which the site is situated, not a measurement nor an evaluation.) Therefor we have defined a Statuut in our Datawarehouse: VHA Waterlichaam Statuut | VHA Waterlichaam Status Code | VHA Waterlichaam Status Omschrijving | VHA Waterlichaam Sterk Veranderd -- | -- | -- | -- Default | DEFAU | Nog geen statuut toegekend | 0 Default |   |   | 0 Kunstmatig | KUNST | Kunstmatig | 0 Natuurlijk | NAT | Natuurlijk | 0 Sterk Veranderd | NAT | Natuurlijk | 1
flavens-vmm commented 2 years ago

index ZONDER gep? Or index GEP? The relation with statuut (status + sterk veranderd) is thus: When the waterbody Status is artificial or the waterbody has been heavily modified, you are allowed to give another assessment. This is index GEP. [For unmodified natural waterbodies there is actually only index ZONDER gep, and no index GEP. But index ZONDER gep has been duplicated to index GEP because it is index GEP that is evaluated. ] [The reference is not anymore the natural ecological conditions but a good ecological potential in the given (unfavorable) conditions. Possibilities are to change the calculation of the EKC or to change the limits for evaluation or ... For EKC MAF the calculation changes and the limits for evaluation stay.]

flavens-vmm commented 2 years ago

type status sterk veranderlijk owl (= code of waterlichaam) waterlichaam are properties of the site (Meetplaats)

They are informative to the index because all this information is needed to calculate 'index zonder gep' (= 'natural' EKC) and if permitted 'index gep'

flavens-vmm commented 2 years ago

Translation of EKC is EQR or Ecological Quality Ratio.