ripe-tech / ripe-sdk

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#429 Increase number of curve types supported by `CsrRenderedInitials` #442

Closed NFSS10 closed 1 year ago

NFSS10 commented 1 year ago
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Dependencies --
Decisions Increase number of curve types supported by CsrRenderedInitials. The types supported are centripetal, chordal and catmullrom which are part of the family of Catmull–Rom splines.

Examples of curve with points [[-8, 8, 8], [0, 8, 8], [8, 8, 8], [8, 8, -8]]

catmullrom type with tension = 0 example:


catmullrom type with tension = 1 example:

catmull_2_tension_1 catmull_3_tension_1

chordal type example:

centripetal_1 centripetal_2

chordal type example:

chordal_1 chordal_2