Spending money on a lot without saving will still lower the family's Net Worth.
I moved the Newbie family in to an empty lot and began to build a house, spending most of their money. I then quit back to the neighborhood, choosing not to save.
When I was on the Neighborhood screen the lot was occupied by the Newbies but blank (due to me not saving), however the family's Net Worth was the same as when I had spent all the money.
Spending money on a lot without saving will still lower the family's Net Worth.
I moved the Newbie family in to an empty lot and began to build a house, spending most of their money. I then quit back to the neighborhood, choosing not to save. When I was on the Neighborhood screen the lot was occupied by the Newbies but blank (due to me not saving), however the family's Net Worth was the same as when I had spent all the money.