ripnet / streamdeck-hubitat

Hubitat integration for the Elgato Stream Deck
MIT License
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Yellow triangle when toggling light #5

Open idealerror opened 1 year ago

idealerror commented 1 year ago

After the StreamDeck Desktop app is running for a few hours (or maybe after the PC goes to sleep and wakes up), all of the Hubitat toggle switches stop working and I get a yellow triangle when clicking them. It is fixed by restarting the StreamDeck app. I have to do this constantly multiple times per day.

I'm not sure why this is happening or how to troubleshoot.

ripnet commented 1 year ago

Is this on the lastest version? I remember having this issue a while back on my mac and I made some changes, so I want to be sure this is a new issue.

idealerror commented 1 year ago

It should be the latest version, I pulled the latest release from the releases page and installed com.ripnet.hubitat.streamDeckPlugin.

I am running this plugin on another Mac and am not having the same issues, only on PC. I am not sure if that is relevant or not.

Is there any place to pull any sort of logging to see why its failing?

ripnet commented 1 year ago

It probably is relevant, good info!

If you're software-inclined, you can follow the debugging instructions here (this plugin is JavaScript) and try to reproduce the problem:

This page also lists locations for log files. Any information you can pass along would be helpful to resolve this -- I don't have a Windows machine at the moment.