ripple-unmaintained / ripple-lib-java

Java version of ripple-lib (work in progress)
ISC License
126 stars 109 forks source link

Use jackson for json #18

Open sublimator opened 10 years ago

sublimator commented 10 years ago

sublimator commented 10 years ago

This needs prioritizing, b4 people start to use the lib

sublimator commented 10 years ago

21 #34

Can use Jackson, along with it's support for the builder pattern, stream -> object mapping, to create Transaction/LedgerEntry subclasses with plain old fields, rather using Field enum as keys into a TreeMap. Make as many SerializedType implementors immutable.

// on the Amount class ....
@JsonDeserialize(builder = Amount.Builder.class)
public class Amount extends Number implements SerializedType, Comparable<Amount>
    public static class Builder {
        public AccountID issuer;
        public BigDecimal value;
        public Currency currency;

        public Builder(String value) {
            Amount amount = fromString(value);
            issuer = amount.issuer;
            this.value = amount.value;
            currency = amount.currency;
        public Builder() {}
        public Amount build() {
            return new Amount(value, currency, issuer, currency.isNative());

// In client code
        Amount amount = mapper.readValue(
                "{\"value\" : \"11234.0005\", " +
                "\"issuer\" : \"rKyGunStozzRBNnnrMXqCZ3wVbgXgCGxji\", " +
                "\"currency\" : \"USD\"}", Amount.class);

Will need to investigate the use of jackson reflection infrastructure for serializing objects to bytes also. Can then just create clases like this:

public class OfferCreate extends Transaction {
    public UInt32 Expiration;
    public Amount TakerPays;
FlorisSteenkamp commented 9 years ago

This is my first GitHub comment ever and currently starting to learn the Git stuff, so sorry if I do noob stuff. Yes, I agree Jackson or Gson are the only 2 good options. I have forked this project and will see if I can start implementing Jackson.