ripple / ripple-client

A UI for the Ripple payment network built using web technologies
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Ripple Client Rolled Back? Or Bug. #1158

Closed Jcsarokin closed 9 years ago

Jcsarokin commented 10 years ago

I've made about 5-6 100 XRP transfers today to fund peoples accounts. This morning I had about 80k XRP - I went in to make another transfer to a friend, and my ripple wallet was showing last weeks stats.

It showed 180k+ XRP - which is an amount that I should not have in my wallet currently (about 100k extra). I transferred around 100k to another wallet a few days ago.

Did the ledger get rolled back?

Also, when I enter an address it stays red and says I need to enter a valid wallet address.

I also noticed some UI updates this morning, maybe something happened in the roll out?

I have screenshots of these issues - but would rather not post them here (dev team feel free to contact me for those if needed).

Jcsarokin commented 10 years ago

Looks like the account is all good - seems more like a temporary visual bug than anything, but still shocking to see all my old transactions and none of my recent ones.

JoelKatz commented 10 years ago

I wonder if you somehow had part of the old client and part of the new one or something bizarre like that.

I can think of one way a server might report old information and not newer information to clients -- a ledger shoot down. The 'account_tx' query only supports contiguous ledger ranges. If a server discovered it didn't have data from a ledger, that ledger is temporarily unqueriable until the server can repair it. The query range might wind up being only ledgers prior to that, resulting in old information but not new information. It may be possible to improve LedgerMaster::getValidatedRange to ensure this is impossible. (The current code tries to give the client the largest range, but it's probably better to give the client the latest fully-validated data, even if the range is smaller.)

Jcsarokin commented 10 years ago

Just experienced something similar again.

I went to send some XRP, and it showed 175k XRP as my total amount.

After sending the 100 XRP my total amount updated to the correct number (86k).

If I wasn't an educated user, I would totally think ripple messed up and I had an extra 100k XRP - that's what the bug "feels" like.


I just sent more XRP and now its back to 175k XRP - and my ledger looks updated.

Logged in on a new private browser and it displayed the correct amount. Maybe the info is getting messed up in the cache?

vhpoet commented 10 years ago

There is no cache for any number you see on client. However try to clean the cache and see if it happens again.