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Transaction successful but 20 XRP are lost #2646

Open rippleuser1 opened 6 years ago

rippleuser1 commented 6 years ago

Hi, I transferred XRP from my Koinex exchange account to my poloniex account. Poloniex XRP address just had the alpha numeric string and no destination code value was provided. From Koinex, there was a suggestion that if you are not provided with the destination tag, just enter "123456" and I did.

Koinex charges 0.02 ripple transfer fee and a minimum of 20XRP was needed to create/activate the destination XRP address in poloniex, so I entered 20.02 XRP for the transfer between wallets.

The block explorer shows the transaction is completed with 20XRP but my poloniex XRP balance is zero. I triple checked the addresses, no issues made there. I filed tickets on poloniex, has been more than a week but no one even had a look at it. I filed tickets on Koinex, no reply there too. What can I do now? Is my XRP money lost forever? How can systems like these probably replace or compete with Fiat money in future? With Fiat currency, if a payment fails, I will get back that money to my bank account in 7 days, money is accountable for somewhere, it wont just disappear into nothingness like how it is happening in crypto, atleast in my case.

I want to somehow get my hands on these 20XRP now, please help.

Transaction for 20XRP:

A bit of history, before sending this 20XRP, from same account to same destination, I had transferred 1.02 XRP which failed with tecNO_DST_INSUF_XRP error on the block explorer. After the 20XRPs, I again transferred 0.06 XRP which is successful but balance in poloniex account is still Zero.

Is this money recoverable? If not 1.02, atleast the 20.02+0.06 ? Is it wrong to use 123456 as destination tag as suggested by Koinex UI?

All transactions in sequence: 1) 1.02 XRP to credit 1 XRP

2) 20.02 XRP to credit 20 XRP

3) 0.06 XRP to credit 0.04 XRP

Expecting a balance of 21.04 XRP after the fees or atleast 20.04 for the last two transactions.

rippleuser1 commented 6 years ago

XRP charts account explorer for rKCvALmLPN56qQi3YFD5jYCF8JfNxe7Nrd shows balance 20.04 XRP but I'm not able to access it from exchange. what could be the reason?

sublimator commented 6 years ago


What is this address ?

You actually created a new Account there ... with the 20 XRP transaction ...

sublimator commented 6 years ago

AFFECTED LEDGER NODES:It affected 2 nodes in the ledger:


rippleuser1 commented 6 years ago

Ok, I'm new to this whole thing, can you please explain:

You actually created a new Account there ... with the 20 XRP transaction

By this does it mean that the 20 XRP used for account creation will not be available for spending or transferring elsewhere? Even if i close this account (if that's possible, I mean don't want to use it any longer), will 20 XRPs be consumed forever?

If correct, shouldn't my account balance atleast reflect 0.04 now but it shows 0.0

rippleuser1 commented 6 years ago

rKCvALmLPN56qQi3YFD5jYCF8JfNxe7Nrd is my XRP address to transfer XRPs to my poloniex account. No destination tag.

sublimator commented 6 years ago

That doesn't make any sense ...


You created that account ?? Where did you get that address from ?

Normally everyone deposits to the same ripple address, and the DestinationTag determines which exchange account is used.

rippleuser1 commented 6 years ago

Address to deposit XRP in my poloniex account: image

Koinex suggesting to use 123456 as destination tag: image

sublimator commented 6 years ago

Wow, that seems really strange.

Be careful with that exchange!

You should email them

rippleuser1 commented 6 years ago

Thanks. I created tickets at both, Koinex and Poloniex, no one responds to anything :)

I badly want to use bittrex since i heard it is the best, but they have disabled new sign ups because of high incoming load.

Opened an account in Binance. Let's see.

I like ripple for the speed of transfer and low transfer fees. But burning 20 XRP for every new exchange or wallet is a bit expensive, it's not cheap anymore (3x UP in the last one week). Also, unlike other alt coins, this destination tag and address issues are confusing.

Ok, now I see it, I had to receive 1 Lisk to this same poloniex account transferred from my friend's Bittrex account which is successful on block explorer but not found in my account!! Very dodgy. The same bittrex accoount could successfully send to Lisk nano wallet without issues.

Be watchful with Poloniex!!!

sublimator commented 6 years ago

That really sounds strange, yes.

I guess people are going to be getting up to all sorts of shenanigans with the price of XRP rising.

Normally you don't have to create a new ripple address to deposit into an exchange.

They have a dedicated hot wallet address and you use the DestinationTag to differentiate.

sehgalrakesh commented 6 years ago

Even I'd the same issue. But in response to Sublimator, how do you think if I make two different accounts on two different exchanges without any common link, will I get a same Ripple account ID at both the places. It ought to be a different address at both places.

Secondly to rippleuser1, the same issue came with me too while transferring from Koinex to Poloniex. I transferred 20.02 ripples so in Poloniex account it showed only 0. Then I transferred another 1 ripple to the same account and it started showing 0.68 ripple instead of 0.98. I don't know the issue and still haven't received any reply on the ticket that i raised on poloniex. I don't think there's any issue with Koinex, but the problem seems to lie in poloniex as I read too on a few blogs that people had similar issues with their transfers to poloniex.

colinmcdermott commented 6 years ago


I'm not sure what the confusion is here, you provide the answer in your own statement:

Koinex charges 0.02 ripple transfer fee and a minimum of 20XRP was needed to create/activate the destination XRP address in poloniex

The 20 XRP is taken and used to activate your wallet address in Poloniex. This is a unique wallet to you, so not destination tag is needed and it is only your wallet - so you must pay to reserve it just like any other Ripple wallet.

It kind of sucks, but that is how it works.