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The order never shows in "My Orders" list. #398

Closed kriptor closed 11 years ago

kriptor commented 11 years ago

I created a BTC sell order. The "Balance/Activity" list recorded that but I cannot see my order in "Advance/Trade/My Orders" list - it is empty?

Transactin id: 534409C3DB8080763D5DB4DFA91AEB1E745C593912463A19AC5C7122AE5B8A15


kriptor commented 11 years ago

Where did my order and 50 XRP go? Anyone?

JoelKatz commented 11 years ago

You created a BTC buy order (XRP sell order), offering 50,000 XRP for 0.1 BTC.

           "Account" : "rhq127j2i9949SXS6HnAYWC36k5xcVZyx3",
           "Fee" : "10",
           "Flags" : 0,
           "Sequence" : 12,
           "SigningPubKey" : "...",
           "TakerGets" : "50000000000",
           "TakerPays" : {
              "currency" : "BTC",
              "issuer" : "rvYAfWj5gh67oV6fW32ZzP3Aw4Eubs59B",
              "value" : "0.1"
           "TransactionType" : "OfferCreate",
           "TxnSignature" : "..."
           "hash" : "534409C3DB8080763D5DB4DFA91AEB1E745C593912463A19AC5C7122AE5B8A15",
           "ledger_index" : 501845
kriptor commented 11 years ago

That explains it. Thanks for the explanation.

Well it seems I made a terminal mistake and locked myself out. Now my XRP balance (249.99998) is too low to create a XRP buy order I wanted in the first place.

ahbritto commented 11 years ago

The reserve to create an offer is only required if an offer will stick on the books. You should be able to make and successful complete a trade if your offer crosses an existing offer.

You will need to have adequate reserves to create a trust line to receive funds if one does not already exist.

Client developers should allow offers to be placed even if the reserve amount is not met. Perhaps with a warning.

kriptor commented 11 years ago

I'm not sure I understand correctly but the chain of events was as follows:

  1. I was given 300XRP
  2. I played around and executed invalid order due to 0 BTC and my reserve went down to 299.99999
  3. I created a trust line to be able to transfer some BTC from (which dropped reserve to 249.99999)
  4. I successfully transferred BTC from
  5. I tried to create XRP-buy order but was unsuccessful due to low XRP reserve
  6. I removed the trust line to release 50 XRP
  7. I accidentally created the wrong type of order (XRP sell instead of buy) and my final reserve is now 249.99998
  8. And I'm stuck I guess :)
JoelKatz commented 11 years ago

I'll send you some more the next time I need to perform a test transaction.

kriptor commented 11 years ago

@JoelKatz, thanks! I just completed my first trade... well technically it was the second one. ;)