ripple / ripple-client

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Path-finding does not work via Offer properly #538

Closed CHE77 closed 9 years ago

CHE77 commented 11 years ago

Client shows IOU to its own address. Could not empty it. "Offers" do not use Trust lines, but only IOU?

Scheme: Trust lines: Node1-Currency1-Node2-Currency2-Node3 Node2 sets offer Currency1/Currency2 if all balances are zero, Node1/2 could not send "foreign' currency. - "No path found!" if Node1 sends to Node2 X Currency1. - Node3 now could send Currency1 to Node1 but no more then X.

And then Node1 send Currency1 to Node3 - Big mess appearing in trust pages. Offers do not use trust line which was set but making "outstanding" balances. Some of them coming from its own address.

Tried to empty Trusts, but could not. On the picture remained IOU to "itself" which appeared after using Offer for routing. How to remove it? Belarus address rBztYvjByTk1DsokHb28bGS2SAPJTkQd2A Kazakstan address r3cte32EE48W6muEUG2dFnfPmP2Q6bSgi3

here originally used scheme: Nikolay-(BYC)-Belarus-(BYC)(KZC)-Kazakstan-(KZC)-Lilly Belarus and Kazakstan made offers of buing/selling foreign currency with its own. belarus


if this was valuable please send some XRP for non-profit P2P Time Bank r4hZtWkSW8EbeFG5QXqB7ohohkrZg8zLQ8

dchapes commented 11 years ago

Looks like issue again. The self owing node was created in transaction F2DFC0583983EDD015F3E3448EABDF415B6B14B9191546873C6DB76F864EBEF1 in ledger 638884 on May 6th, after that issue was supposedly resolved.

CHE77 commented 11 years ago

tried to clear the line as ahbritto suggested "To clear the line, do a trust set to yourself for a zero amount of the CAD." but could not be done - "You've entered your address." 20

CHE77 commented 11 years ago

but I was interested to arrange path-routing I test the scheme ones again fake self IOUs did not appear but still no routing via offer. Nikolay-(BYC)-Belarus-(BYC)(KZC)-Kazakstan-(KZC)-Lilly (red self-IOUs just remained from before) 1 2 3 4 Then Belarus and Kazakstan made Offers 5 6 No path between Nikolay and Lilly 7 Then Kazakstan send 5 KZC to Belarus 9 And only now Nikolay could send KZC to Lilly but max 5 only. 11 10 Payment gone without fake self-IOUs 13 14 So, why "Offers" do not use Trust lines, but only "moved" IOU?

dchapes commented 11 years ago

@CHE77, the TrustSet you saw from the other issue I linked... it was done with a manually crafted and signed json blob, not via the web client. If you happen to have the node rsign.js from ripple-lib you can do it yourself as well (I can provide help/instructions on that if desired; it's off topic for this issue tho so PM me on the Ripple forums if you want to try this). If you don't have or don't want to muck with rsign.js, well ... I'm not sure what the best solution would be for you to clear the self trust line. The bad trusts lines to yourself don't directly do anything bad to you, I lived with it for weeks.

CHE77 commented 11 years ago

I see some improvements in path-finding through Offers. Accounts: Ukraine, International, Russia Currencies: UAC, RUC Trust chain: Ukraine-(UAC)-International-(RUC)-Russia International makes Offer of Buying UAC/XRP [UAC(Ukraine)/XRP(International)] Now Ukraine can send UAC to Russia (if currency field is empty) - via "calculating alternatives" ua1

If I put UAC to currency field buy hand - "No path found!" ua2

Now International changes Offer of Buying for UAC/RUC - [UAC(Ukraine)/RUC(International)] Ukraine trying to send UAC to Russia - "calculating alternatives" could not find path.

So for the moment Offers works only with XRP and only via "calculating alternatives" (not if currency set by hand)?