The xrpl web socket ( is only for mainnet and nodes from other networks are hit because the nodes are interconnecting. Pull manifests from individual unl using http request also (see to yield more comprehensive result.
Type of Change
[x] Bug fix (non-breaking change which fixes an issue)
[x] New feature (non-breaking change which adds functionality)
[ ] Breaking change (fix or feature that would cause existing functionality to not work as expected)
[ ] Refactor (non-breaking change that only restructures code)
[ ] Tests (You added tests for code that already exists, or your new feature included in this PR)
[ ] Documentation Updates
[ ] Release
Before / After
Manifests for validators on the list of networks would be updated. API calls to retrieve validators of chains such as amm that are not interconnect with mainnet would yield a non-empty list of validators.
High Level Overview of Change
The xrpl web socket ( is only for mainnet and nodes from other networks are hit because the nodes are interconnecting. Pull manifests from individual unl using http request also (see to yield more comprehensive result.
Type of Change
Before / After
Manifests for validators on the list of networks would be updated. API calls to retrieve validators of chains such as amm that are not interconnect with mainnet would yield a non-empty list of validators.