riptano / ComboAMI

The AMI takes a set of input parameters via the EC2 user-data to install, RAID, ring, and launch a DataStax Enterprise/Community cluster.
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Remove the cassandra limits conf when --raidonly #68

Closed mlococo closed 9 years ago

mlococo commented 9 years ago

The cassandra limits config baked into the AMI breaks apt-get installs because it's marked as a config file by all the DSE/DSC packages that contain Cassandra, so apt goes into interactive config-diff-resolution mode. This prevents OpsCenter from using ComboAMI 2.5 (which introduced the custom-limits).

This PR moves that limits file to a non-default location when called with the --raidonly flag (which I believe OpsCenter is the only user of) and unblocks OpsCenter upgrading to ComboAMI 2.5.

There's also a larger question about whether the config ComboAMI is using should be pushed into the RPM/DEB packages so all users can benefit.

mlococo commented 9 years ago

FYI, discussion related to the OpsCenter update to ComboAMI 2.5 is tracked in the private bugtracker under OPSC-2428.

joaquincasares commented 9 years ago

Thanks! This commit has been signed and merged into the dev-2.5 and 2.5 branches.

mlococo commented 9 years ago

I see the commit in the other branches, but this PR looks unmerged. I presume your commit-signing workflow involves cherry-picking and pushing rather than merging?

joaquincasares commented 9 years ago

Correct. I could also merge and then submit a basic edit to sign a new commit. Which way would you prefer going forward? I'm open to either.

mlococo commented 9 years ago

No preference at this point, just trying to make sure I understand what's going on when I see something "weird-looking" happen. Whenever we get me a signing key and review the current commit-signing workflow (which I'll need quick-tutorial on, I've never done commit-signing before) I'll let you know if I have any feedback at that point.

Thanks for the quick merge, this will let me move forward with the OpsCenter work.