rirze / mirobot-py

A Python interface library for WLkata's Mirobot
MIT License
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Mirobot stop on m.home_simultaneous() #19

Closed river-chang closed 3 years ago

river-chang commented 3 years ago

I run my Mirobot with the Example codes below:

!/usr/bin/env python3

from mirobot import Mirobot

Default for wait= is True, but explicitly state it here to showcase this.

with Mirobot(portname='COM12', debug=True) as m:

Mirobot will by default wait for any command because we specified wait=True for the class above.


# print our dataclass maintained by Mirobot. Shows the x,y,z,a,b,c coordinates.

# increment arm's position using a for-loop
for count in range(5):
    mx = 180.00
    my = 0.00 + count * 5
    mz = 170 + count * 5

    print(f"************Count {count}************")

    # notice how we don't need any "wait" or "sleep" commands!
    # the following command will only return when the Mirobot returns 'Ok' and when Mirobot is 'Idle'
    m.go_to_cartesian_ptp(mx, my, mz)

    # print our cartesian coordinates again

than, the robotic arm started to move. After moving it stopped in zero position. the debug code is shown below:

(base) C:\Users\user\Desktop>python 123.py [] [DEBUG] Attempting to open serial port COM12 [] [DEBUG] Succeeded in opening serial port COM12 [COM12] [DEBUG] [RECV] [COM12] [DEBUG] [RECV] Grbl 0.9j ['$' for help] [COM12] [DEBUG] [RECV] [COM12] [DEBUG] [RECV] Qinnew Robot 20201126 based on Grbl 0.9j ['$' for help] [COM12] [DEBUG] [RECV] [COM12] [DEBUG] [RECV] D1: 127.000 [COM12] [DEBUG] [RECV] A1: 29.690 [COM12] [DEBUG] [RECV] A2: 108.000 [COM12] [DEBUG] [RECV] A3: 20.000 [COM12] [DEBUG] [RECV] D4: 168.980 [COM12] [DEBUG] [RECV] L: -24.280 [COM12] [DEBUG] [RECV] X offset: 0.000 [COM12] [DEBUG] [RECV] Y offset: 0.000 [COM12] [DEBUG] [RECV] Z offset: 0.000 [COM12] [DEBUG] [RECV] X tool frame offset: 0.000 [COM12] [DEBUG] [RECV] Y tool frame offset: 0.000 [COM12] [DEBUG] [RECV] Z tool frame offset: 0.000 [COM12] [DEBUG] [RECV] Line discard number: 0 [COM12] [DEBUG] [RECV] Axis_7 mode: Rail mode [COM12] [DEBUG] [RECV] Initialized Cartesian coordinates and rotation: [COM12] [DEBUG] [RECV] X: 198.670 [COM12] [DEBUG] [RECV] Y: 0.000 [COM12] [DEBUG] [RECV] Z: 230.720 [COM12] [DEBUG] [RECV] RX: 0.000 [COM12] [DEBUG] [RECV] RY: 0.000 [COM12] [DEBUG] [RECV] RZ: 0.000 [COM12] [DEBUG] [RECV] Using reset pos! [COM12] [DEBUG] [SENT] $H [COM12] [DEBUG] [RECV] [COM12] [DEBUG] [RECV] Free memory: 2355 [COM12] [DEBUG] [RECV] Info, in homeing moving...ok

It seems Mirobot stopped on the code "m.home_simultaneous()" How do Mirobot run the next instruction "print(m.cartesian)......."? I am a junior Python learner. Thanks everyone.

rirze commented 3 years ago

You're on a newer firmware. WLKata refuses to open-source their firmware so I cannot (and refuse) to reverse engineer their API output.

Last I developed on this library, it was guaranteed to work with firmware version 20191228_2.

If you really want to get support, I'd recommend filing the same issue at WLKata's bastardized fork of my library: https://github.com/wlkata/mirobot-py

river-chang commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your kind rirze. Do you know where to download the firmware 20191228_2?

river-chang commented 3 years ago

By the way. I will try the other version Python module and response the result.(such as latest or 2.0 beta)

rirze commented 3 years ago

The firmware used to be available, but is now closed off somewhere. I could scavenge through my clone history for source folder, which you could use to build yourself and flash onto the mirobot. Leave your email and I'll eventually get around to it.

Careful with using WKLata's releases for mirobot-py, they simply forked my versions and never bothered to update any release packages after they made their changes. To install their package, you'll have to clone the repository and then do a pip3 install -e ..

Good luck.

river-chang commented 3 years ago

Thank you rirze. My Mirobot was just bought last December. The installed firmware is 20201126. My email is river@jres.tc.edu.tw

Again, thank you very much.