ris58h / Touch-Tab

Switch apps with trackpad on macOS.
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Content scrolling #1

Open plakhin opened 1 year ago

plakhin commented 1 year ago

While using three finger gesture the contents of the window under the cursor is being scrolled. Very annoying.

ris58h commented 1 year ago

Could you provide more info? What application is being scrolled. Which macOS version do you use?

plakhin commented 1 year ago

macOs Monterey, latest version for the moment, can't tell the exact number at the moment, awk. You can try to open Finder window for example, make it narrow, so horizontal scroll bar apper and then try 3-finger swipe placing mouse cursor over finder window.

ris58h commented 1 year ago

I use macOS Monterey as well and I couldn't reproduce the issue. A Finder window is scrollable by 2-fingers and it's not scrollable by 3-fingers in my case. Could you quit Touch-Tab and try to scroll the Finder window? Is it scrollable by 3-fingers when Touch-Tab isn't running in your case?

plakhin commented 1 year ago

Yes, all my windows are scrollable with both 2-fingers and 3-fingers gestures, doesn't matter Touch-Tab is running or not. I'm not using any 3rd party software for trackpad/mouse.

So I thought Touch-Tab will block the default action and launch the app switcher instead.

ris58h commented 1 year ago

Oh, I see. I use 4-fingers swipe for switching between fullscreen apps and 3-fingers swipe does nothing when Touch-Tab isn't running in my case. So Touch-Tab doesn't need to block the default behaviour. This is my More Gestures in System Preferences > Trackpad. Do you have the same settings?

Screenshot 2022-10-03 at 20 18 46
plakhin commented 1 year ago

These are mine

Screen Shot 2022-10-03 at 22 27 41
ris58h commented 1 year ago

I've tested it on macOS 12.4 and macOS 12.6 on M1 and Intel macs and couldn't reproduce the issue. What macOS version do you use? You can find it in About This Mac. What system do you have? Intel or M1?

plakhin commented 1 year ago

macOS 12.6, Macbook Air M1 All 3-finger gestures working exactly as 2-finger.

damnjan commented 1 year ago

Also happening on Macbook Pro 14" 2021 M1 running Ventura 13.2

ris58h commented 1 year ago

@damnjan Could you provide Trackpad settings (System Settings > Trackpad) screenshots for each tab (Point & Click, Scroll & Zoom and More Gestures)?

damnjan commented 1 year ago


Screenshot 2023-03-06 at 16 30 36 Screenshot 2023-03-06 at 16 30 51 Screenshot 2023-03-06 at 16 31 07
ris58h commented 1 year ago

@damnjan Thank you for quick reply. I've checked one more time and have found out that it happens when Mission Control and App Expose are setup to use 4-finger swipes or off. It works fine when any of them uses 3-finger swipe.

@plakhin could you check it too, please?

damnjan commented 1 year ago

@ris58h Thanks, that solved the problem!