ris58h / WebCalm

Free JavaScript and CSS support in IntelliJ-based IDEs
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taking too long to load the index and causing it to lag #12

Open ThisGoLive opened 10 months ago

ThisGoLive commented 10 months ago

Opening a new Java project in new windows, taking too long to load the index and causing it to lag, all related windows responding very slowly

  1. OS: Arch Linux x86_64,
  2. DE: Plasma 5.27.9
  3. jdk: java-17-openjdk
  4. jetbrains product: IntelliJ IDEA 2023.2.4 (Community Edition) ,or 2023.1.x

It has been a long time since the cause of this problem was found. This plugin was installed in July this year and was only discovered today

ris58h commented 10 months ago

Could you provide steps to reproduce the issue?

The plugin doesn't use indexes (at least explicitly). Does the project have many JS/CSS files?

ThisGoLive commented 10 months ago

Could you provide steps to reproduce the issue?

The plugin doesn't use indexes (at least explicitly). Does the project have many JS/CSS files? @ris58h https://github.com/ThisGoLive/github-issues-repo/blob/main/2023-11-10%2023-52-34.mkv

It can be viewed as a recorded video After using the plugin, loading the index on a newly opened window causes a lag. If the project has not been opened for a long time, the lag time can be long, reaching several minutes

If you have already watched the video, please reply to me so that I can delete it in a timely manner to avoid occupying too many resources

ris58h commented 10 months ago

I see. Does it index the same way when you install any other language plugin (Python for example)?

BTW you can attach a video file right to an issue.

ThisGoLive commented 9 months ago

I see. Does it index the same way when you install any other language plugin (Python for example)? @ris58h

I installed the Python community edition plugin in the idea and did not encounter the same issue.

Installing WebCalm in PyCharm IDE Community Edition did not cause any issues such as stuttering, but it still took a bit more time to load the index. Perhaps the use of too many packages in the Java project magnifies this issue

BTW you can attach a video file right to an issue.

Thank you for your reminder, but I feel that the recorded video is too large and was not included in the attachment of the issue.

ris58h commented 7 months ago

@ThisGoLive I've already asked and I want to be sure: are there many JS/CSS files in the project?

ThisGoLive commented 6 months ago

@ThisGoLive I've already asked and I want to be sure: are there many JS/CSS files in the project?

@ris58h Sorry, my focus is not here. There are very few JS/CSS in my project, but there are many Java dependency packages in the project. If I open a simple project with PyCharm, these situations won't be as serious, but they still exist. Especially in a project that has not been opened for a long time and has a lot of dependencies, it can be very serious, sometimes it may take seven or eight minutes for the application to be in a fake death state