Bitfields are packed in little-endian fashion. A bitfield that would span the alignment boundary of its integer type is padded to begin at the next alignment boundary. For example, struct { int x : 10; int y : 12; } is a 32-bit type with x in bits 9-0, y in bits 21-10, and bits 31-22 undefined. By contrast, struct { short x : 10; short y : 12; } is a 32-bit type with x in bits 9-0, y in bits 27-16, and bits 31-28 and 15-10 undefined.
Anders: Bitfields should be described in a more generic way as it is not only a matter of a calling convention.
Review comment come from @anderslindgren-iar and Anders Berg(IAR)
Anders: Bitfields should be described in a more generic way as it is not only a matter of a calling convention.