When I use 'riscv_ctg -v debug -d ./tests/ -r -cf ./sample_cgfs/dataset.cgf -cf ./sample_cgfs/rv64i.cgf -bi rv64i -p2,' I can generate tests for RV64I. However, I couldn't find the provided rv64d.cgf and rv64f.cgf. Now I want to generate tests for D and F extensions. How can I do that? Looking forward to your guidance. Thank you very much.
I'd like to use these files too, as a basis for Q and Zfh tests. Looks like @pawks generated the F tests June 17, 2022. Are the .cgf something you can post?
When I use 'riscv_ctg -v debug -d ./tests/ -r -cf ./sample_cgfs/dataset.cgf -cf ./sample_cgfs/rv64i.cgf -bi rv64i -p2,' I can generate tests for RV64I. However, I couldn't find the provided rv64d.cgf and rv64f.cgf. Now I want to generate tests for D and F extensions. How can I do that? Looking forward to your guidance. Thank you very much.