riscv-software-src / riscv-pk

RISC-V Proxy Kernel
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exception trap_instruction_address_misaligned, epc 0x8000029c #283

Closed ImanHosseini closed 1 year ago

ImanHosseini commented 1 year ago

I have a simple program compiled with:

riscv64-unknown-elf-gcc -mabi=ilp32 -nostdlib -march=rv32im -o t2 t2.c

and I try to run it with spike as:

spike --isa=rv32im -d pk t2

And it crashes with "trap_instruction_address_misaligned", here's a trace:

core   0: 0x00001000 (0x00000297) auipc   t0, 0x0
core   0: 0x00001004 (0x02028593) addi    a1, t0, 32
core   0: 0x00001008 (0xf1402573) csrr    a0, mhartid
core   0: 0x0000100c (0x0182a283) lw      t0, 24(t0)
core   0: 0x00001010 (0x00028067) jr      t0
core   0: 0x80000000 (0x1f80006f) j       pc + 0x1f8
core   0: 0x800001f8 (0x00000093) li      ra, 0
core   0: 0x800001fc (0x00000113) li      sp, 0
core   0: 0x80000200 (0x00000193) li      gp, 0
core   0: 0x80000204 (0x00000213) li      tp, 0
core   0: 0x80000208 (0x00000293) li      t0, 0
core   0: 0x8000020c (0x00000313) li      t1, 0
core   0: 0x80000210 (0x00000393) li      t2, 0
core   0: 0x80000214 (0x00000413) li      s0, 0
core   0: 0x80000218 (0x00000493) li      s1, 0
core   0: 0x8000021c (0x00000613) li      a2, 0
core   0: 0x80000220 (0x00000693) li      a3, 0
core   0: 0x80000224 (0x00000713) li      a4, 0
core   0: 0x80000228 (0x00000793) li      a5, 0
core   0: 0x8000022c (0x00000813) li      a6, 0
core   0: 0x80000230 (0x00000893) li      a7, 0
core   0: 0x80000234 (0x00000913) li      s2, 0
core   0: 0x80000238 (0x00000993) li      s3, 0
core   0: 0x8000023c (0x00000a13) li      s4, 0
core   0: 0x80000240 (0x00000a93) li      s5, 0
core   0: 0x80000244 (0x00000b13) li      s6, 0
core   0: 0x80000248 (0x00000b93) li      s7, 0
core   0: 0x8000024c (0x00000c13) li      s8, 0
core   0: 0x80000250 (0x00000c93) li      s9, 0
core   0: 0x80000254 (0x00000d13) li      s10, 0
core   0: 0x80000258 (0x00000d93) li      s11, 0
core   0: 0x8000025c (0x00000e13) li      t3, 0
core   0: 0x80000260 (0x00000e93) li      t4, 0
core   0: 0x80000264 (0x00000f13) li      t5, 0
core   0: 0x80000268 (0x00000f93) li      t6, 0
core   0: 0x8000026c (0x34001073) csrw    mscratch, zero
core   0: 0x80000270 (0x00000297) auipc   t0, 0x0
core   0: 0x80000274 (0xd9428293) addi    t0, t0, -620
core   0: 0x80000278 (0x30529073) csrw    mtvec, t0
core   0: 0x8000027c (0x30502373) csrr    t1, mtvec
core   0: 0x80000280 (0x00629063) bne     t0, t1, pc + 0
core   0: 0x80000284 (0x00010117) auipc   sp, 0x10
core   0: 0x80000288 (0xc3c10113) addi    sp, sp, -964
core   0: 0x8000028c (0xf14026f3) csrr    a3, mhartid
core   0: 0x80000290 (0x00c69613) slli    a2, a3, 12
core   0: 0x80000294 (0x00c10133) add     sp, sp, a2
core   0: 0x80000298 (0x00069463) bnez    a3, pc + 8
core   0: 0x8000029c (0x2e60306f) j       pc + 0x32e6
core   0: exception trap_instruction_address_misaligned, epc 0x8000029c
core   0:           tval 0x80003582
aswaterman commented 1 year ago

pk was compiled using the C extension, but you are running Spike without the C extension.

ImanHosseini commented 1 year ago

Thanks! I see... so that address is unaligned because compressed instructions can be aligned at 2-byte boundaries instead of 4 right? (so the jump target is a C- instruction) So I now tried this (added f too because it was using C.fswsp):

spike --isa=rv32imfc -d pk t2

Now it traps a few instructions later at:

core   0: 0x8000029c (0x2e60306f) j       pc + 0x32e6
core   0: 0x80003582 (0x00007179) c.addi16sp sp, -48
core   0: 0x80003584 (0x0000f406) c.fswsp ft1, 40(sp)
core   0: exception trap_illegal_instruction, epc 0x80003584
core   0:           tval 0x0000f406

Which is odd, C.FSWSP should be covered with *fc ?

aswaterman commented 1 year ago

so that address is unaligned because compressed instructions can be aligned at 2-byte boundaries instead of 4 right?

Yeah, that's right.

C.FSWSP should be covered with *fc ?

Yeah, but it's possible the FPU hasn't been enabled yet (by setting mstatus.FS). Unfortunately, I can't help dig into debugging that.

ImanHosseini commented 1 year ago

Thanks! I will try to take it from here :) Just 1 question: all of this is not the code in my program right? Based on the addresses, these are all the 'pk' startup code (my code has no C- instructions at all), so is this a bug on pk side?

aswaterman commented 1 year ago

Right, the addresses being >= 0x80000000 suggest to me it's part of pk.

ImanHosseini commented 1 year ago

It was fixed by:

spike --isa=rv32imafc -d /opt/riscv/riscv32-unknown-elf/bin/pk t2

I did expect, that given the '--isa=rv32' flag it would (magically) pull the correct pk but it was using the 64bit one. The other 'pk' file is a 64bit ELF, shouldn't it just throw error trying to load an ELF64 with isa=rv32? Now google would lead future ppl having the same issue to this thread now: try using the full path to pk ppl!.

aswaterman commented 1 year ago

Oh, nice!

ImanHosseini commented 1 year ago

Unlike cases of unsupported extension: where the error message specifically tells you what went wrong, cases of RV32/RV64 incompatibilities like this lead to unhelpful errors and you shouldn't have loaded an incompatible code in the first place - & if you have, it means you are not aware that you are doing it, like here - I think it would be nice if spike didn't load incompatible code and just told you that you are making that mistake. PR: https://github.com/riscv-software-src/riscv-isa-sim/pull/1085