riscv-software-src / riscv-unified-db

Machine-readable database of the RISC-V specification, and tools to generate various views
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Remove extension version numbers from certificate_model YAML files since they specify the version of the related standards #325

Open james-ball-qualcomm opened 6 days ago

james-ball-qualcomm commented 6 days ago
# Specification versions
tsc_profile: null # None for MC100
unpriv_isa_manual_revision: "20191213"
priv_isa_manual_revision: "20190608-Priv-MSU-Ratified"
debug_manual_revision: "0.13.2"

# XXX - Remove version information since specifying priv/unpriv ISA manual should imply this.
    version: "~> 2.1"
    presence: mandatory
    version: "~> 2.2"
    presence: mandatory
james-ball-qualcomm commented 6 days ago

Just realized that the spec versions need to be a function of the certificate model version number. The plan is to change the major version number when newer spec versions are required. So, MC100v1 would be these old 2019 specs and then v2 would be the next ratified versions of the specs and so on.