riscv / riscv-CMOs

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I'm stupid: how initially populate repo and wiki? #1

Closed AndyGlew closed 3 years ago

AndyGlew commented 3 years ago

BRIEF: repo riscv-CMOs was created completely empty. Not even a README. How do I put stuff into it?

I've always had a README in the past. All of the GitHub help files I have found assume at least one file. As does the web interface.

As for cloning, working on my machine, and pushing, it is also possible that I am having an access problem, since this is the first time I have used GitHub as a member of an organization like riscv. Also since error messages say I do not have access rights. Obviously I can post issues, so I am signed into the organization on the web - but I may not be doing so correctly when cloning via SSH or HTTPS.


Stephano Cetola created https://github.com/riscv/riscv-CMOs, supposedly making me admin.

When I look at the repo, I get a page saying "This repository is empty."

I don't see any of the familiar buttons like Add File, nor the repo URL to git clone.

I guess that all repos I have created myself before have been created with at least a README, or were populated by importing an existing git repo.

I am oscillating, tending to no, as to whether to import my existing draft CMO proposal - which, unfortunately, is intermixed with non-CMO computer architecture stuff. (Git... grumble...)

So I think that I will just add a README and get going - but I can't see how to add a README.

This issue created partly just to see if I have access, and partly in the hope that someone watching this rep will see this issue and tell me "Hey! Stupid! Add a README by clicking..." or "just clone and push..."

And partly in the belief that if I have had an issue like this, others may have the same issue.

AndyGlew commented 3 years ago

(I just did git clone git@github.com:riscv/riscv-CMOs.git, adding README.md, but can't push. Undoubtedly my stupidity.)

AndyGlew commented 3 years ago

Grumble: I am making newbie mistakes: I closed this issue when I added the previous comment. How to reopen...

AndyGlew commented 3 years ago

OK, I found the [Reopen Issue] button.

AndyGlew commented 3 years ago


says it should be a simple push.

it also says it can be done on the GitHub Web interface Create and upload files to empty repos. but that seems to assume that the rep was created with a README. (Which is what I've done in the past - it seems to work a bit differently when no README was added on creation, i.e. when truly empty.)

AndyGlew commented 3 years ago


git remote -v

origin  git@github.com:riscv/riscv-CMOs.git (fetch)
origin  git@github.com:riscv/riscv-CMOs.git (push)

git push origin master

ERROR: Permission to riscv/riscv-CMOs.git denied to AndyGlew.
fatal: Could not read from remote repository.

Please make sure you have the correct access rights
and the repository exists.

So I have either not been given access. Or I am not properly signed in with the riscv organization on GitHub, so that I can use write access.

AndyGlew commented 3 years ago

git status

On branch master
Your branch is based on 'origin/master', but the upstream is gone.
  (use "git branch --unset-upstream" to fixup)

nothing to commit, working tree clean
AndyGlew commented 3 years ago

I hoped that the GitHub Desktop app front end would know about proper access control.

It is telling me "you don't have write access to riscv/riscv-CMOs. If you should, check with a repository administrator". Wll, I thought that I was a rep admin. :-(

AndyGlew commented 3 years ago

Stephano Cetola fixed things:

1) by adding a stub README,md

2) by adding me again to the administrator's list.

It appears that truly empty repos have problems, if only

  1. because the web interface degenerates, and does not display some things that you might still need if the rep is empty and you are the one trying to populate it

  2. all of the help pages assume that the repo has at least one file in it, eg a README.

However, I think that you can work with an empty repo - I just tested - but I also ran into permissions problems.

It's a pity that there is no way to see who is an administrator for a repo. But I suppose that might be an attack surface.


Thanks Stephano!