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Labels for CMOs TG issues; #admin, #technical ... ? #17

Closed AndyGlew closed 3 years ago

AndyGlew commented 4 years ago

GitHub's issue tracker has "labels" that can be attached to issues.

There is a small default set:

as well as one that might be useful at the point CMOs switches over to generating tools, SAIL, etc. - e.g. when we stop jaw-jawing and start do-doing.

==> I think that it will be useful to have at least two more label classes

(Might just label #admin, and everything else be assumed to be #techincal, or vice versa. Or have two separate labels.)

I have also noticed that there may be clusters or dependency groups of issues. For example, if we do address range, then there are a number of sub-issues, and vice versa. I wonder if we should create labels for the biggest of these - #address-range, etc. - but am not doing so for now. There is some value in just using GitHub labels for workflow. Thoughts?