riscv / riscv-j-extension

Working Draft of the RISC-V J Extension Specification
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Pointer Masking Instruction Fetches #49

Closed ingallsj closed 9 months ago

ingallsj commented 9 months ago

Not applying pointer masking to instruction fetches will thus require address sanitization arithmetic still before every jalr instruction. Why not? That's not as huge of an overhead as every explicit load/store, but the inconsistency still caught my attention.


Point of comparison: ARMv8 applies TCR_ELx.TBI/0/1 to both data and instruction accesses' virtual addresses; but not page table walks, which are (intermediate) physical addresses. It wasn't until the Pointer Authentication feature extension in ARMv8.3 that ARM added the TCR_ELx.TBID/0/1 fields to apply only to data accesses. Was there no use case for the years of devices shipped based on ARMv8.0 - v8.2?

ingallsj commented 9 months ago

I see I've duplicated https://github.com/riscv/riscv-j-extension/issues/30. It would be great if there were minutes from

per request from the architecture review committee and discussions in the J Extension group meetings.

martinmaas commented 9 months ago

Here is the email describing the decision by the architecture review committee:


TL;DR is that the committee wants to see a specific use case of instruction pointer masking before it is included in the standard. The current spec leaves the option open to add this in a future extension.

ingallsj commented 9 months ago

I can't read that message, because I'm not a member of the tech-chairs mailing list.

But, okay, I only see references in the wild to pointer masking for stack and heap allocation, not instructions.

martinmaas commented 9 months ago

My bad – the message was cross-posted, here is the version that is world-visible:
