ERROR: [NSD/Validation/DataObject] group 1 has neither none nor all elements in LNodeType with LNClass DVAR in namespace "IEC 61850-7-420:2019A" (expected members: "VArTgtSpt" "VVArCrv") at line 65
ERROR: [NSD/Validation/DataObject] no group in LNodeType with LNClass "DVAR" has all elements in namespace "IEC 61850-7-420:2019A" at line 65
ERROR: [NSD/Validation/DataObject] no group in LNodeType with LNClass "DVVR" has all elements in namespace "IEC 61850-7-420:2019A" at line 49
whereas the NSD file of -7-420 does not define this:
DVAR logical Node has no attributes named : "VVArCrv" (it is DVVR)
the error "no group in LNodeType with LNClass "DVAR" and "DVVR" is not correct, because the presence condition presCond="AllOnlyOneGroup" does not imply that one of the groups should be present, cf definition in 7-2.nsdoc : "All elements of only one group n shall be present.", the presence condition would have been : AllAtLeastOneGroup (All elements of at least one group n shall be present)
the "AllOnlyOneGroup" groups 1 and 2 only contain 1 element, so are complete ?
This file, raises these errors :
whereas the NSD file of -7-420 does not define this: