The standard IEC 61850-6-3 (that is finalized and should not change anymore), defines the structure of the error message, like this:
"The error message shall be structured this way:
• Severity of the error, following Syslog standard
• OCL rule ID
• OCL rule release
• Name of the file that is validated
• Error message for the user
• Line number of the error"
Currently, such error messages raises this warning
WARNING : [SCL/Validator] The structure of the following diagnostic message was not recognized by RiseClipseValidatorSCL (:0)\nWARNING : [SCL/Validator] ERROR;Communication_element_exists_condition_Server;RuleRelease_1;Communication_Verify_Section_is_present_sCnf20_negative4.icd;Server and DynAssociation exist but Communication section does not exist;line_49
Example of the corresponding error message:
RuleRelease1;' +
self.filename +
';Server and DynAssociation exist but Communication section does not exist;
line' + self.lineNumber.toString()
The standard IEC 61850-6-3 (that is finalized and should not change anymore), defines the structure of the error message, like this:
"The error message shall be structured this way:
• Severity of the error, following Syslog standard • OCL rule ID • OCL rule release • Name of the file that is validated • Error message for the user • Line number of the error"
Currently, such error messages raises this warning
Example of the corresponding error message:
'ERROR; Communication_element_exists_condition_Server; RuleRelease1;' + self.filename + ';Server and DynAssociation exist but Communication section does not exist; line' + self.lineNumber.toString()