rishT99 / YouTube-Automation-Script

A command-based script that creates short videos using news snippets and voice-over narration. It integrates with Python and YouTube API to upload the video directly to your channel. Choose from sports, entertainment, world news, and more. Perfect for content creators, marketers, and professionals.
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API #1

Open Jonathan2945 opened 1 year ago

Jonathan2945 commented 1 year ago

What kind of API key for YouTube do I need is it just called YouTube API or what would I search ?

Also once I have the API, how would I run this program could you tell me the steps or commands.Thanks in advance?

rishT99 commented 1 year ago

Hi @Jonathan2945,

In the Google Cloud Console, you need to create a project in order to get your YouTube API.

However, according to YouTube policy, they are currently only allowing everyone to upload videos as private to YouTube. You cannot turn them public by default.

There is a form that you need to fill out in order to get access to this, and I think it is quite difficult. So, just wait for a while and I will let you know.

If you or anyone else is waiting, just wait a few more weeks. I am going to update all of these codes to make them perform better.

rishT99 commented 1 year ago

And if anyone can help with this, please comment below with a recommendation for a text-to-speech (TTS) software with an amazing human-like synthesis voice. This would help our videos sound more professional and real, which would improve the quality of our videos. However, since we want our project to be free of cost, the TTS software should also be free.

Jonathan2945 commented 1 year ago

Are you saying it's a forum you have to fill out to get the api ? Also if its private, would that mean you would have to manually switch it to public or it just won't let you post the video in general?

rishT99 commented 1 year ago

According to YouTube's policy, you cannot post videos directly through the API. You can create videos through this project, but you will need to post them manually.

I recently learned that there is a consent form that you need to complete in order to use the API to post videos. This form asks about your business and other information that I do not have. As a result, I am not able to use the API to post videos however I am trying to get to know about more things and I am trying other things also so as I will get to know or if I find anything new I will let you know.

Jonathan2945 commented 1 year ago

Ok thanks for contributing, keep up the C awesomeness.