rishijain / oneplaceaday

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social share buttons added #53

Closed babiracka closed 8 years ago

babiracka commented 8 years ago

It's Alina from RGSoC, I've added share buttons.

rishijain commented 8 years ago

Hi Alina, Thank you for the effort. But this is not what we are looking for. Please have a look at the posts on our facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/atahappyplace)

We are looking to share posts in this way: cover image, title and little bit of description. This was implemented earlier but has some bugs.

Also you have added buttons to share just beneath the title on the post page. Instead we were thinking of having options to share on various platforms on the sidebar.

rishijain commented 8 years ago

Closing this one as not valid.